A Journal of our experimental findings
Help4Gaia is an idea made by the ORGANIC4GREENS INC and its team, as a compilation of activities in which the communities where we work can gather together to collaborate to the reforestation and restoration of areas where the overpopulation have affected. This part of the company is not a foundation, nor an non government organization; but we consider ourselves as a movement in which people can get together to make works and participate offering their time to mother nature to provide back to the environment what belongs to the environment.

It's simple. When we're are not dedicating ourselves to the business activities, and we are outside — traveling with our families, climbing a mountain, spending time in our backyard, feeding our plants, taking our pets for a walk, hiking a remote wilderness, kayaking a wild stretch of river, or cycling over beautiful landscapes, we feel the air of the environment, the climate change or the instability of the climate is threatening our future.
What we planning to do, is to create conscience on how we treat the environment through simple activities that we all can do as a team; expecting a repeating effect to occurs on the house and lifestyle of every single person joining our activities.

Thanks to the Board of Directors of ORGANIC4GREENS INC., we have provide material free-of-cost to support activities of reforestation.
We are also looking to create teams with people who are committed with the environment. That are willing to use their energy and hands to help regenerate parks and protected areas .
We are not requesting donations, we only need people who are willing to join their hands for a beautiful purpose for our families and for our future.